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Draft Survey untuk penentuan jumlah muatan curah di kapal laut dan tongkang.

Dalam ekspor impor barang curah (cargo in bulk) melalui kapal laut tentunya diperlukan standar penentuan jumlah barang atau kuatitas muatan yang dikirim dan diterima oleh penjual / seller dan penerima / buyer. Draft Survey biasa digunakan untuk perhitungan barang curah seperti biji-bijian / grain, pupuk, besi tua / steel scrap, makanan ternak, semen curah, gula mentah / raw sugar, garam industri / Industrial salt / Solar salt, batu bara dan barang tambang lainnya: biji besi, nickel, bauxite, manganese.

Kita mengenal beberapa cara untuk penentuan kuantitas barang curah antara lain:
1. Penimbangan (weighment) dengan menggunakan jembatan timbang / weight scale.
2. Conveyor counter weight system. Perhitungan muatan yang melewati conveyor belt sensor.
3. Draft Survey. Perhitungan muatan melalui pembacaan angka draft kapal sebelum dan sesudah bongkar muat.

Dari ketiga cara di atas, draft survey merupakan cara yang paling mudah dilakukan, hemat biaya dan tenaga. Karena tidak melibatkan peralatan besar seperti timbangan dan sensor yang biaya sewa serta perawatannya yang relatif lebih mahal. Draft survey juga direkomendasikan oleh badan dunia UN-ECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) untuk perhitungan muatan curah di atas kapal.

Jika anda membutuhkan jasa draft survey untuk perhitungan muatan curah, kami mempunyai tenaga surveyor yang berpengalaman dalam bidang draft survey pemuatan dan pembongkaran, baik di pelabuhan maupun di tengah laut / transshipment untuk pemuatan dari kapal ke kapal atau dari kapal ke tongkang dan sebaliknya.

Untuk info lengkapnya, silahkan hubungi kami.


Draft Survey for determining the quantity of bulk cargo on ships and barges.

In the export of imports of bulk goods (cargo in bulk) through ships, of course, a standard is needed to determine the quantity of goods or the quantity of cargo sent and received by the seller / seller and recipient / buyer. Draft Survey is commonly used for calculating bulk goods such as grains / grain, fertilizer, scrap metal / steel scrap, animal feed, bulk cement, raw sugar / raw sugar, industrial salt / Industrial salt / Solar salt, coal and other mining items : iron ore, nickel, bauxite, manganese.

As known several ways to determine the quantity of bulk goods, including:
1. Weighing using a weigh scale / weight scale.
2. Conveyor counter weight system. Calculation of loads that pass through the sensor conveyor belt.
3. Draft Survey. Calculation of cargo through reading draft numbers of ships before and after loading and unloading.

Of the three methods above, the draft survey is the easiest way to do it, saving costs and energy. Because it does not involve large equipment such as scales and sensors that are relatively more expensive to rent and maintain. A draft survey was also recommended by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe for calculating bulk loads on ships.

If you need draft survey services for bulk load calculation, we have surveyors who are experienced in the field of draft loading and unloading surveys, both in ports and in the anchorage transshipment for loading from ship to ship or from ship to barge and vice versa.

If you need further information, please contact us.

SAMUDRA – Marine Cargo Surveyors

Supervision is Our Business

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