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Loading Coffee Beans in Panjang, Indonesia

Pre-loading, cargo readiness, and cargo condition prior shipment
In this stage, carried out warehouse visit to the shipper site to ensure the readiness and condition of cargo to be shipped as per handed documents. The physical check for quantity and visual check for quality by opening the bags of cargo are required to determine the correct cargo was offered for shipment by the shippers. The coffee beans samples were collected from the bags randomly. The cargo packaging measurements and weighments might be carried out in the site as well.

Vessel’s cargo hold inspection
In the load port, once the ship has secured alongside the wharf, the surveyor will be boarding to check the cargo hold that prepared by the ship to receive the coffee beans in bags. The accessible area of cargo holds such as hatch cover, hatch access, ventilations, ladders, and its closing arrangement were inspected at the time. The cargo hold must stated dry and clean from the previous cargo and the all bilges well were found empty. The cargo hold must be in good condition and ready to receive the nominated cargo.

The Hose test
The Hose test is carried out to check the joint and cover of the hold by sprayed over water with pump pressure at 3.0 kgf/cm2 to observe for any leakages occurring. To pass the hose test, the surveyor must be found the hatch cover and the weather deck of the hold were sufficient watertight and in satisfactory condition.

Supervising and tally counting of the cargo loading
During loading, the supervision continuously carried out 24 hours to monitor how the loading operation running, how the cargo handling, how the cargo loading and stowing, recording the cargo damaging, and reporting if any delays and stoppages.

Random moisture check by moisture meter during loading operation
The cargo sampling is carried out randomly from several sources in daily basis. All the coffee beans samples will be tested individually to determine the moisture content by moisture meter.

Photo and documentation
The documentation photos of the above survey stages will complete the survey report.

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